ransformative EQ Strategist
and Speaker

E.I. Success Coach/ Business Consultant 

Unleash Your Potential with Visionary Educator and Trailblazing E.I. Success Coach, Dr. Claire A. Rene!

If you are seeking a transformative force in leadership development, look no further than Dr. Claire A. Rene.
As a luminary in Emotional Intelligence, she shapes future leaders through dynamic seminars and orchestrates transformative learning experiences for global corporations and prestigious institutions.

Meet Dr. Claire A. Rene

Visionary Educator:
Renowned for her innovative approach to Emotional Intelligence (EI) training.
Esteemed Author:
An authority on EI with publications that inspire and educate.
Trailblazing Success Coach
: Certified in EQ 2.0 and instructional design, Dr. Rene holds an MBA and an Ed.D in Organizational Leadership.

A Proven Track Record

Government Leadership Programs:
Spearheaded leadership initiatives for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Corporate Executive Coaching:
Guided top executive at Santander Bank towards greater EI and leadership excellence.
Educational Excellence:
Fostered EI within the dynamic landscape of the New York City Department of Education.

Why Choose Dr. Claire A. Rene?

Dr. Rene passionately believes that "Emotional Intelligence is for Everyone!" So, don't miss out on the chance to ignite your team's passion and drive!
 Dr. Claire Rene is ready to transform your staff, clients, and audience into focused, thriving achievers. With her dynamic energy, she'll propel them toward personal and corporate success like never before. Your team will be grateful and inspired, and your clients thrilled with the results.
Dr. Rene doesn't just promise motivation; she delivers tangible returns on investment, ensuring every dollar spent leads to exponential growth and achievement.
Book her now and witness the immediate impact on your bottom line!


Dr. Claire A. Rene brings extensive expertise in Emotional Intelligence across diverse sectors and industries. With a blend of knowledge, experience, and humor, she passionately engages audiences to overcome challenges, maximize potential, and build confidence. Her impactful talks inspire personal and team development, showing how E.I. skills transcend from the classroom to the boardroom, sports arena, and home.
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